Sunday, 22 January 2012

Concept class 2

Our second class was to help us draw our character in movement. First we drew the mannequin as it stood to try and capure the movement that way. The mannequin was moved to try and give a 3-D element. I started to try and turn the mannequin into a body. 
Following this I created a person that looked like it was running and holding someone based on the mannequins position. I've learnt that drawing from a mannequin in different positions can really help me elaborate my character and further my drawing skills.

We were then asked to use the mannequin and the element of movement to create a superpower for it. The first pose automatically made me think of a strong man pose so i tried to exaggerate the muscles. The second image i gave shading a shot to see if it would bring the shape out and make it look a little less stiff. I also created a simple little badge based on his power.

My character 1st draft

I wanted to create a Vigilante. This is someone that fights for what they believe in but does in their own way. This guys is a bit of a bad ass. I chose to make him look like a cowboy as back in those days, the law wasn't really an issue to people then. Therefore I want that to come across with my character. If you notice he doesn't have a gun and you can't see any weapon on him. There is always a sense of mystery about a character that draws the audience in more. This is his "alter ego" costume so to speak. Although this is how he always dresses. When he has to physically fight, his jacket comes off and his character is transformed into someone that is fast and isn't afraid to fight. I thought it would be a good idea for his to use blades as his weapon of choice because they are easily concealed and there is a lot of room for the imagination to take over. I now need to do another drawing of him without his jacket on in a stance that could represent how he fights.

Concept class 1

We were told to create super heroes/villains based on the representations of different shapes. In this example i thought that the square would be a very ridged kind of object with difficulty to move. The circular object i could see as more malleable but at the same time large and quite weak. The triangle has the most acute angle which tends to come across as something that could be quick or in characteristics evil.

We were asked to draw different kinds of eyes that could go on our hero/villain. These were supposed to give an idea of the nature of the the character. This could be shown more with different colours. 

To create different designs for our hero/villain, we need to create different emotions for  him to distinguish character. We were set the task to draw 20 different expressions that a character could use. This will really help me in establishing what sort of character i would like to create and what his personal agendas are.

During the shapes task, we were asked to create a character that was very fast and one that was very slow. Immediately i picked the triangle as the fast object as it is very streamline and chose to mix the circle with square for slow due to its inability to move. Little joints and little number of joints help this too.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Super Heroes

Superheroes tend to hide their identity so that they can live their normal life as well.  A mask is good good way of creating a character as it is like the crown of the hero and ultimately the brand. It may sometime have a logo. 

Female superheroes are quite rare. I do like the idea of it but i don't think i would be able to create a lair that would go well with a female. I do like the power idea in this image of having a sort of force to create objects and weapons. Colour is a very powerful form of representing this.

Another way to hide identity in an image isn't just to simply cover the face up but to use the light. It also adds a sense of mystery to the character as you never see their face at all. I could mimic this with a hat and use shadow to cover most of the face.

I also like the superheroes that don't necessarily have a power but use what they can to fight for good. Guns is good but it makes it too easy for the hero. Blades or some kind of unique weapon could be good. It is also a characteristic of the hero and becomes part of him/her.

Clothes are good for adding to the heroes powers. It's as if they are part of the hero and they have an ability of their own. For example i could have my character in a long coat that grows when the hero tries to fly.

Monday, 16 January 2012

DP 2

This is the weapons room from Kick Ass. The room is very basic but due to who is in the room and what they're wearing you don't know wether they are villains or heroes. 

This is an example of a very high tech lair. Although this is just a concept image for an apartment. It could easily be pulled off as a superhero pad. I would like to create something like this for my piece.

This is a screen shot from Smallville. The lair is called the watchtower and is situated on top of the city of Metropolis. I really like the open space and all the equipment being in one big room. To meet the brief i won't be able to have just the one room but maybe i could have a main lobby like this. 

This is a screen shot from Thor. Thor doesn't have a lair but this is the kings throne and the striking part of this image is the rich objects and agin the open space. Colour and texture of the object i use could really help transform my space into something really impressive.

This is an example of a villains lair. It's very obvious as it doesn't have many rich objects, e.g. pallets around, fold out tables, dirty walls and floor, but then again it still has some high tech equipment. Another point is the lighting. You can easily establish a hero or villains lair by how it is lit up. This sort of looks like an interrogation room due to there being one source of light.