Sunday, 22 January 2012

Concept class 1

We were told to create super heroes/villains based on the representations of different shapes. In this example i thought that the square would be a very ridged kind of object with difficulty to move. The circular object i could see as more malleable but at the same time large and quite weak. The triangle has the most acute angle which tends to come across as something that could be quick or in characteristics evil.

We were asked to draw different kinds of eyes that could go on our hero/villain. These were supposed to give an idea of the nature of the the character. This could be shown more with different colours. 

To create different designs for our hero/villain, we need to create different emotions for  him to distinguish character. We were set the task to draw 20 different expressions that a character could use. This will really help me in establishing what sort of character i would like to create and what his personal agendas are.

During the shapes task, we were asked to create a character that was very fast and one that was very slow. Immediately i picked the triangle as the fast object as it is very streamline and chose to mix the circle with square for slow due to its inability to move. Little joints and little number of joints help this too.

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