To Marcus Pope,
I am a student at Nottingham University and we have been assigned a brief that instructs us to make a film thats location is the roof of a car park. Fletcher Gate car park would be perfect for our film therefore i am inquiring about the use of the roof. We would be filming at night from 17:00 - 21:00. We don't need to take up the whole roof and we are happy to work around the public use of the car park. We will have a car in the car park and of course, we would pay the usual fee of parking for that. We will have a camera crew, lighting crew, directors and props with us. There will be 8 of us in total and our actors will be mimicking a security guard and a drunken chav. We have no need to film any signs stating the premises. The props we will have will be a golf club, walkie talkies and cones. This is only a short film but if we can take any footage in this place, it would be a massive help.
Marcus Howard
Morning Marcus,
I have no objection in principle, however we need to ensure this doesn’t take place when there is an event on at the Arena, as the car park will be full. Are you able to secure any certificate of liability insurance from Uni?
Marcus Pope | Parking Operations Manager
Nottingham City Council
Loxley House | Station St | Nottingham | NG2 3NG
M: 07534 603 056
T: 0115 876 3148