Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Driver look

This is a shot from american psycho. My idea of having the main character as someone that isn't all there in the head and actually enjoys what he is going to do. High definition in the smile and generally facial expressions will be key in establishing a character.

From the same film again, i really like this shot as the fiction has no idea that he is there yet it is so blatant to the viewer which gives a sense of uneasiness. 

This is a shot from Se7en which says to me that "no-one can help you". As our film will be shot on the top of a car park, i thought this would be relevant to the kind of shot we want to portray

Different types of shots make the film more interesting and especially in shots like this where it makes that audience feel threatened.
This is From The Machurian Candidate. I like that you are so close to the person threatening you and he's not trying to hide his face but the way it has been shot makes you question who it is. It also gives a sense of mystery to the character and even if he isn't important, it adds that little bit to the film.

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